Fine Motor
We practise our fine motor skills every morning to help to develop our muscles in our hands and to get us ready for writing.
Use the 'Pre-writing patterns' below. Can you copy them in flour? (Pour come flour/salt onto a plate or baking tray- see photo below as example). Can you write your name in the flour? What other letters can you write in the flour?
Alternatively, you could choose your own activity from the 'Fine motor skills at home' document on the Reception Remote Learning page.
Today our sound is 'd'. Can you think of any words with 'd' in?
Watch the video below and join in at home. You can then see what Geraldine the Giraffe finds with 'd'!
Have a go the sheet below.
Can you challenge yourself to write some words with 'd'?
Please find the phonics video now embedded into this page. Thank you for your patience!
Physical activity
It's really important to keep active, even when you're at home. During this time you can do any activity you would like to at home- go for a walk, play in the garden, do some dancing at home... anything you like!
If you would like some ideas, have a look at the videos on the link below.
This week we will be looking at patterns.
Join the Teams call at 1:00pm, then I would like you to go on a pattern hunt at home.
Alternatively, you could go for a walk and see what patterns you can find outside!
This week, we are thinking about what makes us special and unique.
Talk to your family- What makes you special? Do you have a special talent?
Watch the video below, then I would like you to draw a picture of you and the thing that makes you special.