Fine motor
Have a go at this letter 'h' formation sheet. Don't forget- start at the top!
If you want to, you could have a go at making the letter 'h' on the playdoh mat. If you haven't got any playdoh, you can make some fairly easily- there are lots of recipes online.
TIP: If you place the playdoh mat in a plastic wallet, you can use it again.
Today's new sound is 'oa' like in boat!
Watch the video and play the bingo game I have made. Remember- some of the words won't fit onto the bingo board! Keep going until you find them all!
Can you write some words with 'oa' in? Can you put some of the 'oa' words in a sentence?
We will continue solving subtraction problems, this time using a number line to help us. When you use a number line to subtract, you must go backwards.
Shadow Puppets
The other day, in the classroom, we noticed, and started talking about, different shadows we could see. Then we noticed that when the blinds were down, of you placed and object behind the blind, with the sun shining through the window, it made a shadow on the blind. We experimented with different objects, to see what the shadows would look like.
We decided that we would like to make our own shadow puppets and make up a story for them. You could do this at home!
You will need:
- paper or card to draw the character on.
- a stick or a straw
- a blank wall
- a torch/ light.
Think about what you would like your story to be about. We have made dinosaurs, but you don't have to if you don't want to. Make the puppets you need for the story. Shine the light on the wall and see what the shadow looks like from your puppets. What is going to happen in your story? Can you act it out with the puppets?
I'd love to see photos or maybe even a video of you making the story!
Below are some examples of shadow puppets.