
Sacred Heart

Catholic Primary

'Live, Love and Learn Joyfully in the Family of Christ'

Year 4

Year 4


Welcome to the Year 4 page 

16/17th July - Over the last couple of days, we have revisted simples circuits and made our own switches using split pins and paper clips. We then learn about how torches work, and worked in pairs to design and create our own. These are the results so far... we have mone more day of making and evaluating!

3rd July - In science, we are learning about the digestive system. Today, we explored what happens to our food as it travel through our bodies. Once we'd overcome the 'ick' factor of our practical work and some giggles, we were able to have a really good discussion about the process from start to finish.

28th June - Big thank you to Year 6 for organising the House Team Captain's Charity Event. The children had fun playign games created by the Year 6 children and all money raised went to Bhakita House.

27th June -Year 4 met with their Reception Class buddies to share their extended writing with them.

26th June - Year 4's Celebration of Learning - Today, we invited friends and family in to see what we have been learning over the last year :)

24th May - The children in Year 4 have been learning about biomes in geography. This gallery shows the wonderful projects they have completed at home in relation to our topic.

20 May - Today, we took part in a djembe drumming workshop led by Seneke. Through call and response, we learnt some drumming patterns and had lots of fun learning how to play this special instrument.

16th May - Today in science, we learnt about how particles behave depending on whether they are in a solid, liquid or gas. We explored how they move and are arranged through role-play on the playground.

'Hosanna' - After weeks of preparation, Years 3 & 4 finally got to deliver their Easter Performance to the whole school, family and friends. They all did a fantastic job, showcasing their acting and singing abilities! Well done to everyone who took part & thank you to those who came to see and/or supported this event.

Today, we were visited by the Young Shakespeare Company and had the opportunity to participate in their performance of 'Henry V'. Not only did we get to learn about Shakespeare's play, but some of us got to showcase our acting talents ahead of the Year 3/ 4 Easter Performance! Well done to everyone for being an amazing audience!

A special Friday morning this week! We all dressed up in spring colours and had an Easter breakfast to raise money for Across. Across organises pilgrimages of a lifetime to Lourdes for those needing special care.

We participated in a Seder meal just like Jesus did during the Last Supper.

Science Week - Today's activities went along nicely with our current science topic, 'Help our Habitats'. During the workshop, children came up with actions to go along with the theme of climate change and what we can do to lessen our impact. What an enjoyable day we had just focusing on this topic!

Thursday 7th March - To celebrate World Book Day, we dressed up as words, including 'fluffy', 'vibrant' and 'galaxy'. We thoroughly enjoyed exploring our chosen text, 'The Flower' and choosing a pre-loved book at the book swap! See if you can guess who came as what!

Wodson Park Development Day - Jan 24 - Year 4 enjoyed practising skills relating to bowling, throwing and catching, running and salsa dancing! We had lots of fun, but were all quite tired by the end!

11th January 2024 - 'Skip to be Fit' - Year 4 had heaps of fun during the 2-minute challenge and persevered in the second round to beat their PBs (Personal Best). Our top skippers achieved 120+ skips which we will try to improve on going forward by doing daily sessions.

To mark 'Just Talk Week', the Year 4 children met with their Reception buddies to help them with carrying out an activity that celebrates our differences. Together, the children created masks to show what makes them unique!

Autumn 2 science - Today, in our lesson, we were testing different materials to decide whether there were conductors or insulators. The children enjoyed building circuits - some for the first time - whilst others were able to share their experience of what is required to make a simple circuit.

10th November - Sacred Heart has Talent - Well done to all of the children who auditioned for the competition - there were many acts, all of an amazing standard. Congratulations to our finalists; as a class, we were all delighted that one of our chosen acts came second!

Wednesday 8th November - Thank you to the Rotary Club for their gift of spelling dictionaries to our class! How lucky we are to received these lovely books!

Autumn 1 science - Year 4 have been investigating which material would be best to use for ear-defenders. We all had our own ideas about whether cotton wool, bubble wrap, newspaper, tin foil or plastic bags would be best for muffling sound.

Autumn 1 science - Year 4 made string telephones. This helped us to consider how sound travels from the source to the person who detects it.
