
Sacred Heart

Catholic Primary

'Live, Love and Learn Joyfully in the Family of Christ'


Fine Motor

We practise our fine motor skills every morning to help to develop our muscles in our hands and to get us ready for writing. 

Collect some leaves and make an Autumnal picture by leaf printing! To do this, you paint one side of the leaf, press it down on to the page, then peel it off! It also works with felt tips, if you don't have any paint. 

Alternatively, you could choose your own activity from the 'Fine motor skills at home' document on the Reception Remote Learning page. 


Today we are learning 'e', like in 'egg'. It is sometimes found at the beginning of a word, but mostly found in the middle like in 'bed'. 

Watch my video and see how much you can join in with.

Watch Geraldine, then have a go at the 'e' sheet. If you are struggling to make the letter 'e', practise drawing lots of loops and spirals. Make them big and small!

Today's game: Print off the snakes and ladders game I have made, or make your own. Use a counter, roll the dice and move your counter that many steps. What grapheme (letter shape) have you landed on? Can you make the sound and do the action?

Phonics video- e.mp4

Still image for this video

Physical activity

Follow the link below to a Wild Animals PE lesson, or do your own thing smiley


This week, we are starting our learning in the unit 'It's me, 1,2,3!'

We will be focusing on each number, its value, the many different ways we can represent the numbers, and the different ways each number can be made. 

Yesterday, we looked at number 1. Today we are looking at number 2.

Join the call, then have a go at the activity. 

If you would rather, you could watch Miss Cooper on the video by following the link below.4

You can also watch the Numberblocks episode about the number 2.


We have been learning about how God made this wonderful world for us.
Today we are thinking about how God loves us all. Talk to your families- how does God show us he loves us?

Who else loves and cares for you?

Draw a picture of you with someone who loves and cares for you. How do they show you they love you?


You could listen to and learn the song below smiley
