Fine motor
Have a go at this letter 'c' formation sheet. Remember- start at the top of the shape. And don't take your pencil off until you have finished!
If you want to, you could have a go at making the letter 'c' on the playdoh mat. If you haven't got any playdoh, you can make some fairly easily- there are lots of recipes online.
TIP: If you place the playdoh mat in a plastic wallet, you can use it again.
Today we are learning the digraph 'ng'- like in 'strong'.
This sound often comes at the end of a word- never at the beginning!
Watch the video and have a go at 'say it, make it, write it'. Then have a go at one of the games on phonics play
We are looking at different ways of making 10 again.
Please don't worry if you are finding this tricky! We will keep practising
I have left below some links- one to a numberblocks episode where they show different ways of making 10, and one with a song about bonds to 10, and then some links to some games.
Some children might find it easier to match the Numicon to show bonds to 10- please see the video where I have explained Numicon