
Sacred Heart

Catholic Primary

'Live, Love and Learn Joyfully in the Family of Christ'

Physical Education and School Sport

At Sacred Heart we love our sport and offer many different opportunities for everyone to get involved. We are also very pleased to have we have been awarded the "Gold" school games mark for PE and Sport. This page will also feature regular sporting updates and information.


We abide by the Hertford and Ware Sports Partnership Fair Play Charter to ensure high standards of behaviour from all parties at sporting events.

Sporting events 2023-24

Wednesday 3rd July - Year 2 went to Sele School to experience a variety of sports. These included orienteering, martial arts, tennis and cricket. A great day was had by all!

Wednesday 12th June 2024 - Year 2 athletics at St Edmunds. Some Year 2 children went to St Edmunds for an athletics festival. They enjoyed playing a variety of different sports including running, long jump and javelin.

Every1 in festival - Today children took part in the every1 in festival. They thoroughly enjoyed the archery and boxing. All children learnt new skills in bowls and playing volleyball with balloons.

Tag rugby festival- The children enjoyed learning new skills from the Saracens coach. They played various matches until the heavens opened!

Table tennis- The children enjoyed playing table tennis at Sele school. We will continue to play at lunchtimes with our new bats!

Girls football at Presdales school

Girls football festival- Year 3 and 4 girls walked to Presdales for this years football festival. They had lots of fun participating in games and worked well as a team. 

Friday 13th October 2023 - Year 2 football at St Edmunds.Year 2 children went to St Edmunds for a football festival. They enjoyed playing against other teams and were full of smiles when hey returned to school. One pupil said "It isn't about winning it is about teamwork" What a great day!

Girls football festival - Wednesday 11th October at Presdales 


Inter Schools Cross Country 2022

Pancake Races 2019
Reception Class enjoyed a Diwali Dance workshop.  They acted out characters from Bollywood movies. 

Diwali Dance - 16/10/2017
