
Sacred Heart

Catholic Primary

'Live, Love and Learn Joyfully in the Family of Christ'


Fine motor- cutting skills


Today we will be looking at the 'v' sound. 

Phonics- 12.01.21

Still image for this video


We will continue with our learning about 3D shapes. 
Thank you so much to those of you who have been sending in photos of the work you have done at home with 3D shapes!

3D shapes powerpoint

Maths 3D shape colouring

3D shape properties


This week we are learning about the story where Jesus got lost in the Temple. Watch the video on the link below.


Have you ever been lost? How did it feel?

What happened in the story?

How do you think Jesus felt?

How do you think Mary and Joseph felt?

Why did Jesus stay in the Temple?


Draw a picture of what happened in the story and think about the questions. Your parents can help you with the writing. 

Use the template attached to help you. 
