Gates open: 8.40am
Registration starts: 8.45am
Registration closes: 9.15 am ( After which time a U code will be issued)
End of the school day: 3.15pm
We expect all children to arrive promptly and to be picked up at the correct time.
If your child is not at school due to sickness please record on Studybugs or ring the School Office on telephone no. 01920 461678 between 8:30 and 9:00 am.
Parents are encouraged to use ‘Studybugs’ an online portal linked to the NHS to report absences.
We monitor late arrivals and late collections. Each half–term, we arrange attendance meetings with families, to identify and address children who are late arriving or leaving school.
Gates open at 8:40 am and close at 8:55 am.
If your child arrives after this, they’ll need to enter school via the office, and late arrival will be recorded.
At the end of the day, you need to collect your child from the playground. If your child is not collected, they will be taken to wait in the school office.