
Sacred Heart

Catholic Primary

'Live, Love and Learn Joyfully in the Family of Christ'

Fluent in Five

Fluent in Five:


The approach behind Fluent in Five is regular practice of mental and written arithmetic skills is important in order to keep calculation skills fresh. Fluent in Five has been designed to help children to distinguish between mental and written methods. This ultimately develops a child’s ability to complete all the questions in an arithmetic test in the limited time that they are given.


Ideally children should complete the Fluent in Five challenge each day. The resource can be delivered using between 10 and 15 minutes of class time.

• 5 minutes – Children complete the Fluent in Five Challenge (using the PowerPoints). Look at how children are approaching the questions and begin to identify any misconceptions or common errors.

• 3 minutes – Where possible, children self-mark their challenge sheet. Then take feedback about the range of answers and identifies any common misconceptions.

• 2 to 5 minutes – Complete any quick teaching/re-caps focusing on any common misconceptions.
