
Sacred Heart

Catholic Primary

'Live, Love and Learn Joyfully in the Family of Christ'

Year 1

Year 1 - 2023-2024

Welcome to our class page.  Here you will find lots of information on what Year 1 have been up to and what we are looking forward to! I will be updating the class page regularly so please make sure to check it.

Year 1 have begun to settle in well this week and we are getting used to the class routines. I'm looking forward to working with you and your children this year and seeing them grow in confidence. 

Mrs Dowd,  Mrs Matteoni and Mrs Seiler 

  D&T celebration 


Thank you to all the parents that joined us yesterday in making our fruit salad. The children really enjoyed it. 

Science Trip to Hertfordshire zoo. Focus: To identify mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians.

Please click on the link below to listen to the children's class poem.

Reciting the poems : The food train by Julia Donaldson and The rhythm of life by Michael Rosen.

Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Easter breakfast 

Spring 2 - Geography

This term we have been learning map skills in Geography. We followed a trail around the school. We used compasses to follow North, South, East and West. The children loved looking at aerial photos of their school on google maps. 


Questions at home 

What is a compass used for?
Why is there a key on a map? 

Where might we use a map? 

Spring 2 - Art mixing colours 

Year 1 have been exploring colour mixing in Art lessons. We have been thinking about primary and secondary colours. We made a fantastic display of colourful umbrellas making colours lighter and darker using white and black. 

Home questions 

What is a primary colour? Why? 

What is a secondary colour? 

What colours are next to each other on the colour wheel? 

  Hertford Museum trip 


Year 1 had a fantastic trip to Hertford Museum today. They behaved wonderfully and asked great questions. 

I was slightly shocked that my child hood toys are now museum worthy!!! 

The children explored toys from over 100 years ago. There were many great links between our history learning and our science learning about materials.  


Home discussion questions:

Which toy was your favourite?

How have the toys change from the past to now?

Which material were toys mainly made from over 100 years ago?

What are toys mostly made from today?




Spring 1 Poetry Unit 


This week we have been creating our own class version of the poem Purple is....

We really enjoyed exploring and playing with new vocabulary, and performing it. 

See if you can see which line we are performing from our actions. 

We then individually created our own colour poem. Mrs Dowd said they were fantastic! 

A few examples of our poems have been uploaded below but all of our poems have been put into a class book. 


Year 1 Poems Purple is .......

Nativity 2023! Well done to all Year 2 and Year 1 children, you were fantastic!

English - Narrative Unit 

So far this half term we have done lots of  learning based on the traditional tales, Three Billy Goats Gruff and The Princess and the Pea. Below are just some of the examples of the children's writing. This is the first extended piece of writing the children have completed and they should all be very proud of themselves. Well done year 1. 

Narrative Unit - The Princess and the Pea

Cafod Visit 


Year one had a lovely visit today from John, a member of CAFOD. He taught the class about the importance of trying to be a better person, in order to make the world a better place. We listened to a story about Shristi the Sun bear. He helped  us to think about our global brothers and sisters. Chikondi the giraffe reminded us that we should try to include everyone. We then wrote down our own ideas. 


Cress Heads

Our writing unit this half term focuses on the book Jasper's Beanstalk. It is an information unit and we have been using it to read, order and follow instructions. Today we worked in pairs to read a set of instructions and successfully made cress heads. We spoke about the bossy verbs in each sentence and the importance of reading the instructions in the correct order and carefully. It was lots of fun but Mrs Dowd said we can't take them home just yet!

                                                         Greater than and Less than


In Maths today we compared different amounts using the greater than > and less than < symbol. Mrs Dowd was really impressed with how well we used the mathmatical language. We also quickly realised that there was normally more than one answer. We showed great focus and determination when faced with the problem solving challenges.

Comparing amounts using < > symbol
