Fine motor
We practise our fine motor skills every morning to help to develop our muscles in our hands and to get us ready for writing.
If you have Playdough at home, can you make the shapes of some of the letters we have learnt so far? If you would like to use them, I have saved some Playdough mats below. You could print off the letter you want to practise. Tip: put the sheet in a plastic wallet, then you can use it again!
Or go for a walk and collect some different shaped leaves to use to do some leaf rubbings! See photo below for examples.
Alternatively, you could choose your own activity from the 'Fine motor skills at home' document on the Reception Remote Learning page.
Today, our new sound is 'k', like in king. It makes the same sound as 'c'! Can you think of any other words that have 'k'?
Watch my video. How many sounds can you remember?
Have a go at the 'k' worksheet. 'K' is particularly tricky!
For a game, visit the Phonics Play website (link below) and play a game! Make sure you select 'phase 2'. You could also play the Phonics Pop game (Link below) and choose Set 1, 2 or 3.
Maths/ Physical activity
There will be no maths/afternoon call today.
Continuing with our patterns learning, today we are going to copy and create our own body movement patterns.
Look at the examples below and choose one/two to copy. Can you copy the pattern?
I would then like you to create your own body movement pattern using 2 or 3 different movements and repeating them. Can you record your pattern on a video for me to see?
You could draw your pattern or print the cards below and cut and stick them in your pattern!
Friday afternoon
There will be no call this afternoon, so you have to chance to do something different! Go for a walk, go to the park, draw a pictures, do some painting, make something new, do some cooking, snuggle down and watch a film... whatever takes your fancy! You have all worked really hard this week (children AND Mums, Dads, Nannies and Grandads!), so take the time to do something new and fun!
If you go for a walk and would like something to focus on, there are a few ideas below. You could go on an autumn scavenger hunt, and see what signs of autumn you can find, or see if you can find something for every colour of the rainbow!