
Sacred Heart

Catholic Primary

'Live, Love and Learn Joyfully in the Family of Christ'

Year 3

Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to our class page 2023/24.

Here you will find lots of information on what Year 3 have been up to and what we are looking forward to!

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What we have been up to

We had a tweet from Darrell Wakelam, the artist we used to inspire our fossil sculptures

Today we visited the Southern Maltings to learn about Ware's most important historical industry and the museum to learn more about its Roman history

We celebrated the children that have taken their First Holy Communion this year.

Year 3 loved our djembe African drum workshop with Seneke.

In DT, year 3 looked at the different mechanisms used in pop-up books to see if they could identify levers.

Year 3 have been using data loggers to see how the light, temperature and sound changes throughout the day.

We carried out fieldwork to find out more about the history and geography of Ware.

Year 3 began to work with money in maths

We dissected flowers in science to locate the different parts.

We had fun using the hurdles in PE.

We used a program called Tinkercad to do some computer aided design.

We have been experimenting with runner bean seeds and testing if they will germinate under different conditions.

'Hosanna' - After weeks of preparation, Years 3 & 4 finally got to deliver their Easter Performance to the whole school, family and friends. They all did a fantastic job, showcasing their acting and singing abilities! Well done to everyone who took part & thank you to those who came to see and/or supported this event.

We enjoyed our charity Easter breakfast

Today, we were visited by the Young Shakespeare Company and had the opportunity to participate in their performance of 'Henry V'. Not only did we get to learn about Shakespeare's play, but some of us got to showcase our acting talents ahead of the Year 3/ 4 Easter Performance! Well done to everyone for being an amazing audience!

We learnt that Jesus was celebrating Passover with his Disciples during the Last Supper. We participated in a Seder meal just like he did.

During science week, we had a workshop about the environment and how we can save it

What a great World Book Day! We loved our 'book tasting' at the book cafe; we enjoyed reading The Flower by John Light and designing our own 'dangerous book' and enjoyed choosing a new book in the book swap. We had some great vocabulary in our costumes too.

Chestita Baba Marta, Yoan! Thanks for the bracelets!

We tested the permeability of different soils

We practised our measuring skills outside.

We enjoyed using all the 'big' equipment such as benches and planks for our final gym lesson today.

We said, 'Goodbye to Alleluia' at the start of Lent and put our beautiful sign away until after Easter

During Children's Mental Health week, we thought about why we are proud of ourselves, who we want to thank and had a go at some Zentangles for Well-being Wednesday.

We joined in with the BBC Bitesize live lesson about AI for Internet Safety Day then learnt about cookies. We even got a shoutout!

Year 3 were rock detectives in science

We tasted a variety of sandwich ingredients in DT to decide on what ones were nutritious and tasty

We used the furniture to help us learn about arrays in maths!

We reflected on the story of the Annunciation during our Godly play and responded to questions about what Mary would have felt when the Angel Gabriel visited her.

We had a lesson about Catholic Social teaching with John from CAFOD

During Just Talk week, we designed masks to show we all express ourselves in different ways and how talking is great for our mental health.

We did a round robin in science to start our new topic. We were classifying animals by their diet; finding out about food groups and what they do; testing to see which fruit juice has the most vitamin C and designing our own blanaced meal based on the Eatwell Plate.

Class worship in year 3

We are all unique!

Year 3 enjoyed the talent show

Some of our dancing and singing in Spanish

Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video


Still image for this video

We had such a great Spanish introduction day! Thanks to all the parents and visitors.

We enjoy leading our own class worship

We tried to experience the conditions for the cave painters

We learnt about reflective surfaces and how to keep safe in the dark

We investigated the effect of UV rays from the sun using these special UV beads. We coated them with suncream (50 SPF, 30 SPF, 10SPF and a control one with nothing on). Can you see how the colour has changed? The darker ones have had more exposure to the sun's rays. We know it was a bit unfair as the 50 SPF was a blue spray!

We learnt about the artwork of Judith Ann Braun. She uses her fingertips as her tool and charcoal as her medium.

Problem solving and teamwork in our outdoor and adventurous PE lesson

We love our new outdoor learning area

Year 3 learnt about road safety

Year three followed instructions in English to make their own Woolly Mammoths.

Year 3 were archaeologists this morning and extracted Stone Age and Iron Age artefacts from the school grounds.

We are so pleased to be back in school again. We will work hard to get house points for our teams.
