
Sacred Heart

Catholic Primary

'Live, Love and Learn Joyfully in the Family of Christ'


Letter formation


Today we are learning the digraph 'ow' like in 'cow'.

Watch the video and have a goat writing some 'ow' words. 

Play a game on Phonics Play- don't forget to use the username- jan21 and the password- home to access all the games. 

Phonics video ow.mp4

Still image for this video


Can you use the pictures to retell the story of 'Whatever next'?

Cut them out and stick them in the right order. If you want to challenge yourself, you could write a word or sentence to go with the pictures.

If you don't want to use the pictures provided, you could draw your own pictures to show what happens in the story!


We will be continuing our learning of length and height.

Today I would like you to find 3 different objects. Can you order them by length or height?

Repeat this- don't forget to send me photos!

Can you order 5 items by height or length? Can you order more?


Challenge: Can you order your family members by height? Lie down on the floor and ask someone to mark your height. You could do this by taping the length of your body on the floor, or using string or even lego bricks. Who is the tallest? Who is the smallest?

I will show you this on our call. 


Today we are thinking about being kind to people around us. Why do we need to be kind?

Look through the powerpoint and talk about it with your mum or dad.

Can you draw a picture of you doing something kind and write a sentence to go with it with your mum and dad?

Also, I need to add to our 'Kindness Tree' in the classroom! If you do something really kind at home, ask your Mum or Dad to tell me in an email and I will add it to our tree smiley
