
Sacred Heart

Catholic Primary

'Live, Love and Learn Joyfully in the Family of Christ'

Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 page  


Welcome back Year 6! I hope you have had an amazing summer and I cannot wait to hear all about your adventures. There is so much to look forward to this year, including being stretched and challenged, an exciting curriculum, trips including school journey and an end of year production. Your last year at Sacred Heart is going to be brilliant and I am looking forward to teaching you! 

Mrs Matteoni 


Buddy assembly- today we carried out a buddy assembly. We talked about Odd socks day and why we celebrate it. The children made a pair of odd socks together.

Final designs - we spent the morning making our prototypes matching out design brief. We were lucky enough to have a secondary school Design and technology teacher join our lesson.

Tag rugby- parent engagement event. The children made fruit kebabs to serve to their parents. We invited the aprents in to join our PE lesson. Everyone had a great afternoon and some enjoyed it more than others!

Living Library- today we took part in the Living library. We spoke to different parents about their job roles and asked what skills are required. During our PSHE lessons we discussed careers.

Design and Technology- During our DandT lessons we have been carrying out different investigations. We have looked at arches, trusses and bridge support. We have thought about how best to build a bridge to carry a heavy load.

Place value maths - today we looked at 8 digit numbers. The children made the numbers using playing cards and then used a part whole model to partition the number. We have spent a lot of time discussing where numbers will go on a place value grid.
