
Sacred Heart

Catholic Primary

'Live, Love and Learn Joyfully in the Family of Christ'

Year 6

Welcome to the Year 6 page  


Welcome back Year 6! I hope you have had an amazing summer and I cannot wait to hear all about your adventures. There is so much to look forward to this year, including being stretched and challenged, an exciting curriculum, trips including school journey and an end of year production. Your last year at Sacred Heart is going to be brilliant and I am looking forward to teaching you! 

Mrs Matteoni 


Year 6 - 2023-24

Welcome to the Year 6 page! Here you will find lots of useful information as well as examples of what Year 6 have been up to in school.

We were delighted to be able to share some of our Science learning recently with our family. After having listened to our group presentations on Electricity, Evolution, Space, DNA and Blood Cells, parents and grandparents were able to get involved in some practical science by making circuits, drinking 'blood', fossilising a dinosaur and much more. Everyone had a great afternoon with some wonderful feedback left by our visitors.

Kenx Challenge - Some of the staff from GSK came into Year 6 to get the class to take part in a Stem activity. Using a box of Kenx each pair were challenged to create a Bulldozer. It was a very tricky task but produced some great results.

Writing Competition


The St Francis trust are holding a writing competition for all children to enter based on the theme of a twisted fairy tale. The aim is to write your own story but with a twist in some way. There are lots of ideas such as picking a well-known fairy tale and:

  • changing the ending
  • making the villain a hero
  • setting it somewhere different
  • making it a rap
  • mixing up characters form different stories

The possibilities are endless.


Maybe you would:

  • Make the fairy Godmother into a baddie.
  • Have Rapunzel be obsessed with social media and go viral with her posts from the tower. How does she handle the fame?
  • Perhaps the Frog Prince misses life as a frog and wants to change back.
  • Cinderella turns down the Prince's proposal and chooses a life of adventure instead.
  • Maybe the Big Bad Wolf is under the bridge wanting to eat the Three Billy Goats Gruff.


Have fun and remember that the best stories from Y5 and 6 will be entered into the competition against the other schools. 

As part of their Environment topic, Year 6 have been using recycled materials to make other useful items. Ranging from jewellery stands, to table football, they have used a variety of products, been incredibly creative and taught us all to reuse our 'rubbish' wisely.

The True Meaning of Christmas - As part of our RE work this term, we have been looking at what is the true meaning of Christmas. Here are some the different pieces of homework that we have produced to explain this.

Christmas Lunch Day - Dressed in our Christmas jumpers, Year 6 started the day with some Christmas co-ordinates Maths, then we made our beautiful Christmas hats and lined up ready for lunch. In the hall, with the rest of Key Stage 2, we enjoyed a fantastic Christmas lunch prepared by our amazing kitchen staff. In the afternoon we took part in some fun games; including Pin the Nose on the Reindeer and trying to unwrap a present with oven gloves on! A great day was had by all.

A few of our children were involved in the Hertfordshire Symphony Orchestra performance at the Drill Hall this weekend. They sang beautifully.

Advent Fair- Stalls created and ran by Y6.

Technology- designing a bridge to hold 500g from just A4 paper and paper straws.

California - Year 6 have been study California as part of our Geography topic. Here are some of the amazing homework pieces we produced.
