
Sacred Heart

Catholic Primary

'Live, Love and Learn Joyfully in the Family of Christ'

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Welcome to our class page 2023-2024.

Here you will find lots of information on what Year 2 have been up to and what we are looking forward to!


If you have any questions or anything you need me to know please contact me on

Miss Jepson

12.7.24 - Year 2 created prototypes of their bridges for Humpty Dumpty.

3.7.24 - Year 2 went to Sele School to experience a variety of different sports. They took part in orienteering, martial arts, tennis and cricket.

25.6.24 - Year 1 and 2's liturgy about how God helps us and how we can help others.

21.6.24 - Year 2's parent came to visit! Year 2 made their African salads and shared some of their writing. Thank you to all the parents that came along.

14.6.24 - Year 2 have been learning about position and direction. They used this language to explain how to move and turn to get to particular points.

6.6.24 - Linked to our Great Fire of London topic in history, year 2 visited the Tower of London, The Monument and Pudding Lane. They were so excited to get the train and tube there and learn more about what happened in London in 1666.

5.6.24 - Year 2 have been learning how to add using the column method.

23.5.24 - Crowning of Mary.

21.5.24 - Year 2 investigated the effects of exercise on their bodies. They predicted as to whether the activities given will make their heart rate faster or not.

20.5.24 - Year 2 enjoyed djembe drumming linked to their learning about African drumming music.

Year 2 djembe drumming performance

Still image for this video

30.4.24 - Year 2 explored a variety of different seeds from around Ware. They looked at their different properties to identify how the seed would be dispersed.

24.4.24 - Year 2 have been learning about similes in poetry. They have found it very funny when poets have used contrasting similes.

22.3.24 - Year 2 have had a great Easter Celebration Day! They had an Easter breakfast, decoratedtable cloths, sang Spring Chicken and had a Jumbulance jumpathon. All money raised has gone to the charity ACROSS.

15.3.24 - Year 2 learnt how to safely prepare a variety of different fruits, vegetables and herbs. They ensured they cleaned the surface they were going to use, washed their hands and chose the correct utensil to prepare their chosen food item.

14.3.24 - Science day! Year 2 enjoyed their 'Climate Change' workshop, where they learnt how the world is getter hotter and how they can help. They also set up an experiment to find out if plants can be grown from a seed which has been planted upside down!

7.3.24 - Today everyone came to school as a 'word' for World Book day. We also looked at a book called 'The Flower' and thought about how Brigg would feel in a dull world. As a school. we had a book swap. Year 2 were overjoyed to receive a new book to take home!

6.3.24 - Today year 2 went to Rye Meads Nature Reserve. They loved exploring different microhabitats for minibeasts as well as going pond dipping.

28.2.24 - In English, year 2 have been learning about different sentence types and how to punctuate these correctly. They then applied this by showing what characters in our class book, Julian is a Mermaid, maybe thinking and feeling by using speech and thought bubbles.

27.2.24 - Steve Clifford came to visit and teach year 2 about story telling. They loved creating their very own story using their imagination.

16.2.24 - Year 2 used money to buy their snack for break today.

13.2.24 - This half term we have done lots of learning based on the traditional tale Rapunzel. Below are just some of the examples of the children's writing. Their full stories have been published and made into a class book for the children to enjoy reading.

9.2.24 - Year 2 enjoyed researching and sharing their homework projects about The Gambia.

2.2.24 - Year 2 practiced their tie dye techniques! They loved creating their final projects in March.

29.1.24 - Year 2 discussed why different animals are suited to a particular habitat. They then explored microhabitats around the school ground and explored what organisms lived there.

15.1.24 - We have been using arrays in maths to help us solve multiplications.

11.1.24 - Skip2BeFit. Year 2 really enjoyed their skipping session today. They skipped for 2 minutes to get a personal best (PB). They then did another round to see if they could beat their PB. All children were very determined, and are looking forward to carrying on their skipping at break and lunchtimes to see if they can achieve a new PB!

18.12.23 - Year 2 enjoyed using AI to make their pictures come to life!

15.12.23 - Year 2 used saws to create an axel. They then enjoyed exploring different wheels on their axels to see which would be best to use to make their car go straight.

13.22.23 - Christmas dinner and party day!

12.12.23 - Rock Steady concert. Well done to all the children who took part!

6.12.23 - Nativity 2023. Well done to all Year 2 and Year 1 children, you were fantastic!

1.12.23 Year 2 explored how many edges different 2D shapes had.

1.12.23 Traveling Nativity. To mark the beginning of advent, the chaplaincy team demonstrated how to set up the travelling nativity and the prayers to say with it. Year 2 are every excited to take it home and have a go themseleves!

24.11.23 - Year 2 really enjoyed posting their letters to home today.

23.11.23 - Just Talk Week. Year 2 created masks linking the the theme of "beneath the surface". Whilst making their masks, they reflected on what emotions the masks might show.

16.11.23 - Hindu festival of Diwali.

10.11.23 - Year 2 have been learning how to add two 2 digit numbers.

3.11.23 - Year 2 explored a range of wheeled products and then had a go at creating their own wheels and chassis

2.11.23 - Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed Spanish day! They made alfajores, enchiladas, sang Spanish songs, danced the Flamenco and Salsa, learnt how to say the numbers 0-10 and about the different countries that speak Spanish. Thank you to all the parents that came to help and make this day a success!

10.10.23 - Year 2 enjoyed their science experiment to clarify how materials can be made waterproof.

3.10.23 - Year 2 have been practicing their fact families within 20. A fact family in maths can show the relationship between the numbers involved.

29.9.23 - In art, year 2 have been drawing lines from the top to the bottom of a page. They then transferred these skills to create a huge collage in response to Bridget Riley's Op art.

28.9.23 - Year 2 have been exploring methods to help them count in 3s.

22.9.23 - Year 2 explored conjunctions in English. They walked whilst they read a text and had to change direction whenever they read a conjunction!

14.9.23 - RAFT came to deliver a road safety lesson today.

13.9.23 - Today year 2 used compasses to explore direction. They applied their knowledge when giving their partner directions using the vocabulary of North, South, East and West,

13.9.23 - Today year 2 learnt to master their running and agility skills.

11.9.23 - Year 2 enjoyed exploring programming and algorithms.
