
Sacred Heart

Catholic Primary

'Live, Love and Learn Joyfully in the Family of Christ'

Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!

Welcome to our class page 2024-2025.

Here you will find lots of information on what Year 2 have been up to and what we are looking forward to!


If you have any questions or anything you need me to know please contact me on

Miss Jepson

7.2.25 - Year 2 thought about how 2 clauses can be joined by a conjunction to form a sentence. They then thought about the type of sentence an whether it should be punctuated with a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark.

5.2.25 - Today in computing, Year 2 practiced capturing effective photos using iPads.

4.2.25 - Year 2 planted seeds from the food we eat, like tomatoes, avocado, peppers and apples. They are carefully waiting for them to grow, learning that seeds need sunlight, water, and healthy soil to sprout and thrive. The children are excited to see how their little plants will grow, and they’re discovering how important it is to take care of them every day!

31.1.25 - Year 2 had fun writing their own fairy tales inspired by Rapunzel. Today, they shared their stories with Year 1.

22.1.25 - In PSHE year 2 had to work as a team to write instructions to teach an adult how to make a jam sandwich.

17.1.25 - Today, Year 2 had a snack shop, where they brought in their own snacks for break time. They had to bring money and work out the change they should receive.

16.1.24 - Year 2 have been exploring how to use speech in their writing by adding speech bubbles to their stories.

10.1.25 - Year 2 have been working really hard on their maths skills, getting quicker and more confident with addition, subtraction, and number patterns.

10.12.24 - Rock Steady Concert!

9.12.24 - In English, Year 2 are learning about writing letters. Today, they posted their letters, so be sure to keep an eye out for yours in the mail!

6.12.24 -Year 2 created an Advent wreath using their handprints. They learnt about four virtues of Advent: hope, peace, joy, and love. As they crafted, they learnt about these virtues and how they connect to the Advent season, focusing on the preparation for the coming of Christ.

5.12.24 - Year 2 explored 2D shapes by identifying and counting the number of sides each shape has. They learnt to recognise basic shapes like squares, triangles, rectangles, and circles, and observe how each one differs in the number of sides

28.11.24 - Year 2 re-enacted Mary and Joseph's journey from Nazareth to Bethlehem. As they walked outside, they imagined the difficulties Mary and Joseph faced and reflected on how important it was for them to trust in God during such a challenging journey.

26.11.24 - Year 2 took part in a minibeast hunt around the school. Using magnifying glasses, they explored microhabitats like under leaves, under rocks, and foliage to identify a variety of small creatures.

22.11.24 - Decorate the classroom! Year 2 loved creating their stars to sell at the Advent Fair as well as creating festive decorations for their classroom. Thank you to all the parents that joined us.

19.11.24 - The Chaplaincy team came to show us The Travelling Nativity today. Year 2 are excited to take this home for their prayers over Advent.

12.11.24 - Year 2 went to see their buddies in year 6. They did an activity for Anti-bullying week where they designed their own odd socks to celebrate that everyone is unique and different.

21.10.24 - Year 2 have wrote instructions on "How to be a good friend." Today they went to reception to share their writing.

18.10.24 - Year 2 investigated which material would make the best house for the three little pigs. They used plastic cups, lego, spagetti and marshmallows, and lolly pop sticks to create their houses. They then tested if they could withstand water and wind as well as being strong.

14.10.24 - Some children have enjoyed planting flowers in our prayer garden during gardening club.

9.10.24 - Parents volunteered to come in and talk about the jobs that they do in our living library. Year 2 really enjoyed finding out about all the different jobs.

7.10.24 - For the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, Year 2 learnt about the Rosary as a meditative prayer that reflects upon the life, ministry, and death of Jesus and also on His Blessed Mother.

4.10.24 - RE homework. Year 2 enjoyed sharing what they had learnt about our class Saint Mother Teresa.

2.10.24 - Year 2 have been looking at fact families. They explored how many calculations they could make using three numbers.

27.9.24 - Year 2 used items to create sculptures. They focused on the different colours, shapes, patterns and textures.

25.9.24 - Year 2 enjoyed investigating how materials can be changed by squashing, bending, twisting and stretching

24.9.24 - Year 2 have been reading a story called Frog and the Stranger. Today they developed their own scenario of a situation where Rat helped one of the other characters.

11.9.24 - Year 2 learnt that the Bible is made up of two parts - The Old Testament and The New Testament. They enjoyed reading the different religious stories.

5.9.24 - Year 2 rolled a dice twice to create a 2 digit number. They then explored ways of making it.
