
Sacred Heart

Catholic Primary

'Live, Love and Learn Joyfully in the Family of Christ'


Letter formation

Today's letter is 'l'. Don't forget to start at the top!


Today's digraph can make 2 different sounds. Yesterday we learnt that two 'o' letters together makes the long 'oo' sound, like in 'boot'.

Today we will learn that it can make a short 'oo' sound, like in 'cook'.

Watch the video and try writing some 'oo' words. Can you write some sentences?

Can you sort the 'oo' words into 'Long oo' and 'Short oo'?

Play a game on Phonics Play.

Phonics video short oo.mp4

Still image for this video


Today we are building on our patterns learning by looking at repeating patterns.


Today it is 'Safer Internet Day'. Today I would like you to think about how you can stay safe online. 

Look at one of the Powerpoints and talk with your family.

How do you stay safe online?

What do you do if something happens that you don't like?


Maybe you could make your own rules for staying safe online smiley
