Today we are learning the 'w' letter sound. Can you think of any words with 'w' in?
More of your excellent 3D shapes work!!
Top Secret Mission
Look what we have found!! Some kind of egg has been left. I wonder what kind of egg it is? What do you think?
Have a careful look at the pictures and talk to your families. What animal do you think is inside this egg? Why do you think that?
Use the template below to write your own sentence.
We are going to make a nest at school for the egg- you could do the same at home if you would like to! (Parents, if you want to make an egg too, I made this by blowing up a balloon and sticking strips of newspaper on with PVA glue. You could make glue with flour and water, also. I did a couple of layers and then painted it- the children might like to help make it!)
What do you think you would need to look after the egg?