
Sacred Heart

Catholic Primary

'Live, Love and Learn Joyfully in the Family of Christ'


Egg update!

Here in school we have made a nice and cosy nest for the egg. Did you make a nest for an egg?

We were thinking that its Mummy and Daddy might be missing it and not know where to find it, so we are going to make some 'Found' posters to display. This way, if the Mummy and Daddy come back, they will know that the egg is here. 

You could do a poster too! You could use the template below, or design your own!

Design your own dinosaur egg


Today we will be learning the 'x' sound. 

Phonics video- x

Still image for this video


Can you sort the shapes onto the diagram?
Which shapes have curved faces? Which 3D shapes have flat faces? Do any shapes have both? 


Can you move like a dinosaur?
