
Sacred Heart

Catholic Primary

'Live, Love and Learn Joyfully in the Family of Christ'

Year 4

Dear Year Four,

You have worked very hard this year and certainly deserve a break over the Summer Holiday! However, six weeks is a long time and I know that many of you might want a fun project to look at. I have also been asked for some key learning to keep up over the holiday, so some ideas are below. I hope you enjoy working on the project and we will look at what you produce in September together.

All of the learning from this year will remain on the website for you to access over the holiday, if you so wish.

Miss Smith

Work for Week Beginning Monday 13th July - Last Week of the Year!

Work for Week Beginning Monday 29th June

Work for Week Beginning Monday 22nd June

Work for Week Beginning Monday 15th June

Work for Weeks Beginning 23rd and 30th March
