
Sacred Heart

Catholic Primary

'Live, Love and Learn Joyfully in the Family of Christ'

Mini Pilgrimage with Mary

Pilgrimage path of Hope


Children learnt about Mary's role in the pilgrimage of faith and hope.

They  reflected on how they can incorporate hope and kindness in their daily lives.

The activity encouraged physical movement, teamwork, and spirituality in a simple, fun way.

  • Seven outdoor "stations" based on different themes or scenes that reflect aspects of Mary’s journey and her pilgrimage were created:
    • Station 1: The Annunciation (Mary’s yes to God’s plan)
    • Station 2: The Visitation (Mary visits Elizabeth)
    • Station 3: Mary and Jesus at the Cross (Mary’s suffering and hope)
    • Station 4: Mary’s presence with the apostles (Mary praying for strength)
    • Station 5: The Resurrection (Hope and new life)
    • Station 6: The Ascension (Mary watching over the apostles)
    • Station 7: The Holy Spirit at Pentecost (Mary’s continued presence with the disciples)