
Sacred Heart

Catholic Primary

'Live, Love and Learn Joyfully in the Family of Christ'

Vision, Mission and Strategic Plan



The family of Sacred Heart Catholic Primary follows in the footsteps of Christ and is built on the teachings and traditions of the Catholic Church.


Our vision is that Sacred Heart will be an inspirational school where all love to work, learn and grow in the blessed family of Christ.

Through creating a stimulating learning experience, our children will become confident, independent and resilient with a social conscience for their journey through life. They will develop skills alongside knowledge to equip them to thrive in an increasingly complex and changing world.


Our school will be a place where all learners are happy and safe in a stimulating environment where the values of Jesus Christ are at the centre of everything we do.


Mission Statement


To live, love and learn joyfully in the family of Christ

As a Catholic School, we see Christ as the foundation of all our educational efforts. We are a community whose aims and work are lit by the vision of the Gospel. Our Mission is to bring the children to know, love and serve God in their hearts and minds.




We seek to:

  • create a caring community in which each child is enabled to fulfil their full potential; spiritually, morally and academically.
  • create an environment in which each child is encouraged to develop an enquiring mind and a life-long love of learning,
  • ensure that every aspect of school life is rooted in the Gospel values
  • recognise and value parents as the first educators of their children, fostering positive relationships and strong working partnerships between the school, parents, and all those responsible for the children’s welfare and education.
  • encourage each child to aspire to good moral behaviour and guide each child towards maturity; enabling each child to become a caring, responsible, active member of the community.


Strategic Objective 1:

To promote and encourage a Catholic ethos throughout the school and the community:

1.1 We ensure Catholic traditions underpin all aspects of school learning and behaviour.

1.2 We encourage the parish and local Catholic community to engage fully in the daily life of the school.

1.3 We develop strong working links with Catholic schools in the Lea Valley Deanery

1.4 We provide a disciplined and mutually respectful environment based on Catholic values, with pupils able to make a positive contribution to society with a clear understanding of their responsibilities in the local, national and global communities


Strategic Objective 2:

To establish a growth mindset learning culture:

2.1 We encourage resilience and perseverance in our children to ensure successful learning.

2.2 We challenge adults’ and children’s thinking about success and performance;

2.3 We promote the belief that intelligence can be grown and developed with persistence, effort, and a focus on learning – all children can achieve higher and better.

2.4 We encourage children to take an active and lead role in their own learning and progression; confidently learning from mistakes.


Strategic Objective 3:

To learn through inspirational curriculum

3.1 We use a curriculum that is based upon the provision of a breadth of opportunities; a creative and challenging curriculum, where skills are developed alongside knowledge.

3.2 We create challenging learning experiences which bring together all the areas of the curriculum, and present these in topics which are fun, exciting, relevant and engaging.

3.3 We deliver a curriculum that provides rich opportunities for high quality learning in class, in the local outdoor environment and through visits in the UK and abroad.

3.4 We create a curriculum which contributes to pupils’ personal well-being and to their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

3.4 We develop children’s confidence to express themselves through a curriculum encompassing science, the arts and humanities.

3.5 We use a clear assessment system, building on the daily assessment for learning within the classroom.

3.6  We provide opportunities to experience a diverse extra curriculum

3.7 We celebrate the rich and diverse cultures and achievements of our global family; embracing equality and differences.


Strategic Objective 4:

To develop and embed sustainable, high quality and strong leadership throughout the school

4.1 Governors contribute to the strategic direction of the school, ensuring clarity of vision and ethos.

4.2 We develop efficient and effective processes for the governing body and support, monitor and challenge the Senior Leadership Team.

4.3 We seek out and replicate excellent practice, developing collaboration to stimulate innovative approaches, share best practice and coordinate focused professional development.

4.4 We provide leadership opportunities for staff who demonstrate initiative, drive and vision.

4.5 We expect staff to reflect confidently on their own learning and identify their development needs.

4.6 We support the development of effective performance management and continuing professional development opportunities for improving teaching, based on the identified needs of staff, as well as the needs of the school.


Strategic Objective 5:

 To enhance the welfare and guidance offered to pupils, families and staff

5.1 We provide a safe and secure environment for all pupils, families and staff.

5.2 We identify pupils in need of early intervention and pastoral care.

5.3 We promote good physical and mental health and healthy lifestyles.

5.4 We increase opportunities for pupils to voice their ideas and opinions.

5.5 We promote an increased and active environmental awareness.


Strategic Objective 6:

To continue to improve the school environment

6.1 We value our indoor and outdoor school environment and ensure that it reflects our ethos, enabling staff and pupils to be successful within a building which is modern and environmentally friendly.

6.2 We continue to enhance our physical learning environment.

6.3 We seek to expand our intake to cater for nursery aged children.


Strategic Objective 7:

Continuing strong financial management

7.1 We oversee, monitor and implement strong financial controls and achieve best value.

7.2 We seek to secure funding to resource our learning community. 

Vision, Mission and Strategic Plan

We welcome any suggestions to add to our document. If you have a comment to make, please use the box below. This will go straight to the office.


Vision, Mission and Strategic Plan
