
Sacred Heart

Catholic Primary

'Live, Love and Learn Joyfully in the Family of Christ'

Franciscan Awards

Franciscan Values Award

EYFS & KS1 – Infant Award - KINDNESS

Creating a caring community

To be a kind and loving friend to all.

Sharing compassion for others

To support those in need in my school and in the world.

Reverence for creation

To take care of God’s creations

Peace making

To help and care for others.

KS2 – Junior Award - GRATITUDE

Creating a caring community

To create opportunities for all to respect, love and show kindness to all. To pray,.

 Sharing compassion for others

To pray and to take responsible action to support those in need within my school, home, Parish and my understanding of charity.

Reverence for creation

To understand with compassion and share concern while protecting God’s creation.

Peace making

To support reconciliation and forgiveness in my own life and others.

We award the overall Franciscan Values Award to a member of Year 2 at the end of the academic year.

We are happy to announce that the first  recipient of this award is Thanushri.


Thanushri consistently goes above and beyond to make everyone feel welcomed and valued, especially the new members of our class. Her empathy and willingness to extend a helping hand make her a trusted and cherished friend. Thanushri's unwavering dedication to caring for others truly embodies the Saint Franciscan Award.     Summer 2024


Summer 2024


EYFS- Lidia

We would like to nominate Lidia for being consistently and genuinely kind all of the time. She is considerate of other feelings and is a kind and loving friend. She will always help her peers and shows great compassion for the children in reception.


Key Stage 1- Annabelle ( Year 2)

Annabelle always creates a caring community by being a kind and loving friend to all. At lunchtimes, staff have said how forgiving she is and is always looking for positive solutions to ensure that peace is restored. She shows her love for all, by being a supportive, nurturing friend in class. Annabelle is a role model for all. 


Key Stage 2


Aoife is always kind and positive, both inside and outside of the classroom.

On several occasions, she has been seen including children outside of her usual friendship group in her play. She is polite and generous towards everyone. In spring term, it was noticed that Aoife had had a haircut . When asked about why she had decided to do it - she just smiled but it was  later found out that she had donated her locks to The Princess Trust. She truly is  a humble young person who deserves to be recognised for her kindness and generosity.


 Eoin (Year 6)

Eoin is a true peace-maker- he always shows compassion for others. When someone is struggling or getting frustrated, he will be seen as the child who goes over and helps calm things down. He is patient and approachable and other children respond very well to him. Whenever there is someone in need in our school, Eoin can be relied upon to be the source of help. His charity event was well thought out, showing he considers the needs of others. He truly reflects Franciscan values.

Spring Term 2024


Key Stage 1



Havanna is the first to look after someone if they are hurt or upset. She always waits for others to have the resources in class before she does. She has also given up her turn to do certain things, in order to let others go first.  She willingly swaps her snack if someone prefers the fruit she has, without a seconds thought.  She is a great example of being kind and loving to all. 


Key Stage 2



For showing outstanding kindness when a member of the class was recovering from an operation. We had an author visit our school, and knowing that the child absent would have loved to attend, she bought a second copy of the book for him and got it signed.



Autumn 2023


Key Stage 1


For always being a kind friend and putting others before herself. She understands God's values and spreads the word of God.



For understanding God made the world for us and we need to look after it. For being selfless and kind towards all members of Year 2.


Key Stage 2

Eva and Esmai

For showing confidence to lead worship and write prayers on behalf of the class and is very thoughtful in their responses
