
Sacred Heart

Catholic Primary

'Live, Love and Learn Joyfully in the Family of Christ'

Year 5

Year 5

2023 - 2024

Welcome to the Year Five Class Page

Welcome back Year Five! I hope you had a lovely Easter holiday and are ready to enjoy our new term at school. This term we will be starting our ‘Cradles of Civilisation’ History topic, which will involve learning about the Ancient Egyptians. We also have two educational visits, Sports Day, and the Summer Play with Year Six! It is going to be an exciting term and I am very much looking forward to getting started! 

Miss Smith

April - Science Parachute Investigation

Easter Treat - Miss Smith, Mrs Giroud, and Mrs Cullen wish Year 5 a very Happy Easter! Thank you to Ciaran for making the cakes with the ingredients we bought.

March - Mini Police - Visit from the Rural Police Unit and their Drone!

February Homework Projects - We did presentations about people who are inspirational to us.

February - P.E. - Gymnastics - Counter Balances

Author Visit - Pari Thomson came to talk to us about her book, 'Greenwild'. She even signed our books!

January 12th - Mini Police - First Session

11th January - Launch of Skip2BFit

January 9th - Science Morning! Due to the fantastically sunny weather, we did two Science lessons. In the first, we made a shadow clock, then we made a sundial. This helped us to see that the sun is not moving, we are!

December - Gingerbread, Christmas Lunch, and Class Party

December - Making Christmas Cards to send to a Care Home

December - Space Homework Projects

CAFOD Workshop - Catholic Social Teaching

Fire Safety Workshop

On Monday 27th November, Year 5 and 6 were visited by the Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service, for a workshop about Fire Safety. We learnt about arson and hoax calls, with an emphasis on how peer pressure can make us feel, through a dramatisation of a fictional incident. The children were also asked to check their fire alarms when they got home. If you do not have a working fire alarm or would like help with fire safety in your home, we have been given a leaflet and a phone number for families to use. Please email Miss Smith at for this information.

On Thursday 23rd November, we had a planetarium come to school. We went inside a huge dome and sat down. We listened to what the man [Peter] had to say and he guided us through what happens in space. My favourite part was when we saw the stars and they turned into the ancient Greek star signs. After we got to ask questions about stuff in space. My question was ‘why can you see the ring around Saturn but not Uranus?’ It’s because that planet is further away and sometimes the rings are facing us, so it’s just a thin line. We learned how Saturn gets bigger when some moons get too close and soon the moon would disappear because of the magnetic pull. That’s why you can’t hold on to Saturn’s ring because it’s made out of dust. We learned that Uranus, Saturn and Neptune all have rings but Saturn is the one you can easily see with a cheap telescope. For about 75 years everyone was okay about Pluto being a planet. Until someone said that it can’t be a planet because they found more of them, so now it’s a dwarf planet! If planet Earth didn’t have any air, we would have to migrate, we would have to move have to move to Mars because the day length is a 30 min difference. I learned that we have two magnets poles, the North and South, and it attracts other parts from the sun and spreads to create the Northern lights. 400 years ago when the Ancient Greece ruled they made stars fun by making star signs. We learned that the saucepan is the bear leading to the North star. The Pegasus was the square and Queen Cassiopeia was a W shape. The dinosaurs ruled Earth but sadly they are Extinct! A huge meteor hit them(when you pick up a meteor it becomes a meteorite). We were able to touch lots of different lava rocks. Some weren’t heavy because they had air bubbles like Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune the Gas Giant. There was a moon buggy that you can open when you land on the moon. We learnt so much and we loved it.

By Sebastian and Eva

November: We've been investigating non-chronological reports in our English lessons.

17th November - We made a scale model of the Solar System, using PE equipment!

Talent Show

Year 5 participated in the 'Sacred Heart's Got Talent' Show as part of KS2 Charity Day. Lots of us auditioned in the morning and then two acts went forward to the afternoon - in front of the entire school. We had lots of fun and even had some guest judges...

A fantastic day was had by all, and we raised over £300 for a local charity; CHIPS.

Year 5 certainly have talent!

Remembrance Poetry

Year 5 read ‘In Flanders Fields’, by John McRae and 'Where the Poppies Now Grow' by Hilary Robinson and Martin Impey, as part of our English learning. We learnt about cinquain poems, and over the course of a week, wrote our own. You can see our published poems below:

Spanish Day!

On Thursday 2nd November, we had a Spanish Celebration! We did Spanish all day and celebrated the language and cultures of Spain, and other Spanish speaking countries.

We started the day with Emma’s performance of ‘Spanish Guitar’, in front of the entire school. You can see this at 

Then, some of our Spanish parents danced for us. Finally, we had a demonstration from Sophie from ‘Dance Days’, who was going to teach us a Spanish dance.

During our dance session, we learnt some salsa and flamenco moves. You can see some videos at:

In our classroom, we looked at poems and songs in translation. We looked at some poems by living Spanish poet Karmelo C. Iribarren, in Spanish and English, to practise translation. We also discussed the song from Encanto, ‘Dos Oruguitas’, and how some words are translated, but some are not, in the English version of the song, and why this is.

Emma also taught us a traditional bedtime prayer that she says every night. You can say it along with her at

We also made empanadas. They were very tasty!

What a fantastic day!

October - Parent Dance Workshop

As part of our PE learning about dance, we invited our parents and carers into school, to learn some of the dance moves. Teaching our parents and carers was lots of fun! You can watch some videos here:

October 16th - Science Outdoor Learning

In our final Science lesson about Life Cycles, we became natural scientists. We learnt how Sir David Attenborough makes his nature programmes (by observing animals, not experimenting on them) and how we can all be natural scientists. Exploring our school field, we observed animals behaving in different ways, and then made suggestions what this behaviour might tell us. Hope said, “The spider was crawling up a web but then it went onto my whiteboard, so it might not be scared of humans as a predator. Maybe it was looking for food instead”.

October 3rd - Class Worship

We had our first class worship of the year; all about Saint Francis. Evie and Lucy planned the worship and led the class through gathering together and reading the Gospel. Daisy said, “I liked the activities and the reading”. Noah said, “I liked it when they read and the part where we drew animals to pray for on our whiteboards”. Ciaran enjoyed the singing we did at the end of the worship.

September - Dance Lessons

We have started our PE lessons on Dance! We have been learning about Bollywood dancing and performing non-locomotor movements. The first two steps we have learnt are 'step touch' and 'Bangra shoulders'. You can see videos of our dancing at:

Our Class Rules
