
Sacred Heart

Catholic Primary

'Live, Love and Learn Joyfully in the Family of Christ'


Busy fingers/ Fine motor

Today's letters are 'm, n, h'. Have a look at the website to watch the videos. 


Today we are practising the sounds we have learnt this week. 

Look through the powerpoint- can you read all the words? Can you spot the trigraphs?

Choose one of the games on the link below to play- Phonics pop is a good one!

Have a go at one of the sheets.


Look through the pictures below and choose one/two to write sentences about. 

Physical activity

Choose one of Andy's 'Wild Workouts' to do at home. 


Today we are solving money problems. 

Look at the work below and choose the one you would like to do- there are lots of options, you do not have to do them all!
