
Sacred Heart

Catholic Primary

'Live, Love and Learn Joyfully in the Family of Christ'

Easter SATs homework

Easter Revision Packs


To aid in preparation for the SATs, the children have been provided with revision packs. The packs contain activities on Grammar, Reading and Maths. Each activity should take around 30 minutes and it is suggested that they complete them unaided as much as possible. Try to spread them out- don't do all the tasks on the same day. 


Once completed, support your child in marking them. Mark schemes are below. Please be aware some documents have the mark scheme at the end so scroll down if you cannot see it immediately.


Correcting answers in a different colour is fine- it is helpful to know which areas may need further practice. If you discover that there are key areas that they get stuck on, further practice can be done on Mathletics, at Oak Academy or by using BBC Bitesize.


Please also remember to have fun, eat eggs and enjoy family time too- it is your holiday!
